Last but not Least
Pamela Koch shares recent enjoyable experiences in her life.
Biology Teacher and Head Girls Tennis Coach Pamela Koch

Last Perfect Day Off
The last day of summer: a long bike ride, a nap and not going to work.
Last Moment of Bliss
Every weekend I think is blissful. I like spending time with friends, family and pets. I like family dinners. The type where you aren’t rushed, the day is ending and you actually have time to relax.
Last Time You Were Impressed
I was impressed with our girls tennis season. We graduated top of our lineup and we had some girls that really jumped in the ladder this year. They won conference and that’s huge for us. We won districts and had a
four-hour dual for sectionals. We had three girls medal at State. It was not expected from the beginning, but it all happened.
Last Time You Laughed
Everyday at school. My fellow teachers and my lunch group make me laugh. Students make me laugh sometimes, too.
Last Time You Were Moved to Tears
I watched a sad show last night. It was ‘911’ and there was a sad part about a child who had a disease and it was close to home. Made me cry.
Last Superstition
My daughter likes to pick up coins if it has the heads up, so now I pick up coins if the head’s up.
Last Piece of Advice
Enjoy life. Everyday is a gift.