Senior Gretchen Price

Senior Gretchen Price

What was an interesting thing about your trip to Asia this summer?
“We flew to Tibet and into Lhasa. It was really cool because we had to get special clearance to go there because they don’t let many foreigners in. Everywhere we went we had to have a letter saying that we were allowed to be there. It is very high military clearance and security.”

What was your favorite part?
“Shidu, where the panda reserve is. We got to hold the pandas which was really cool. We cleaned the food then we learned about panda birth and development. Then we had to go in medical [scrubs in order to] play with the panda. He was one year old. They also had a baby panda there that was a week old and he looked like naked mole rat. His eyes weren’t open yet and he didn’t have any hair on him. He was so cute!”

What do you love about traveling?
“I like to see the people and the way they live their life. My AP art portfolio is inspired by different cultures I’ve experienced. I’m drawing faces of people from different cultures that tell a story.”

Mr. Rottjakob:
“I think Gretchen is just a genuine person. I think she’s somebody who is a leader amongst students. Her personality is fun-loving and enjoyable to be around. The type of person that I know when my kids go through school I hope they find kids like Gretchen to hang around with because she has good established morals and she’s just an outstanding person.”