Junior Micheal Garcia

Garcia shares his passion for learning and new experiences.

Photo by Joey O’Kelly

From being captain of the golf team to learning how to play the harmonica, junior Michael Garcia is interested in all kinds of learning.

“I love learning about random stuff,” Garcia said. “After I’m done with the first thing, I switch to the next. I was really passionate about learning how to juggle, and I learned it, but then I went on to the next thing. It’s like tasting every part
of life.”

This passion for learning comes with self-discipline and motivation, which are some things Garcia thinks he has gained. “It’s more about challenging myself,” Garcia said. “I ask myself, ‘Are you good enough to learn how to do this?’ It’s just to prove I know how to do a bunch of different stuff, and I’ve always got it in my back pocket in case there’s a conversation about juggling.”

While Garcia enjoys challenging himself in learning, he also appreciates challenging himself socially.

“I like feeling nervous,” Garcia said. “I love the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I don’t know why, but I love feeling pressure. I also love messing up sometimes, too.”

To improve his skills in public speaking, Garcia joined Mock Trial. Mock Trial imitates a real courtroom scenario. At the beginning of the year, students get a script to memorize, in which they take on every courtroom role from the witnesses to the lawyers. They compete against other schools in a real courtroom, with each side taking defense or plaintiff and a jury of real lawyers decide the winner.

“Michael stepped in and assumed one of the attorney roles, which is a big step,” Mock Trial sponsor Ron Ludwig said. “He took to the role quite naturally. He did really well with representing our team in the courtroom.”

Photo by Joey O’Kelly

Junior Cooper Stiles appreciates Garcia for his leadership on the golf team. “Michael is our captain this year for the golf team and he always makes sure to get younger kids involved,” Stiles said. “He is smart and informed, but he is also very kind and thoughtful.”

Garcia is also in National Honor Society and Link Crew.

“In Link Crew, I appreciate getting to know the freshmen and talking to them,” Garcia said. “It shows me how I’ve changed from my freshman to junior year. Seeing their personalities and later on watching them mature and grow into themselves is the best part.”

Ludwig says Garcia really enjoys all aspects of life.

“He enjoys being around people and socializing,” Ludwig said. “I think the curiosity he has works for him because he is constantly thinking and asking questions.”