Uniting From A Distance

The nation becomes more of a united front during this unfortunate time.

It’s no secret that this country’s political and social climate is both historically and currently divisive. Since the Coronavirus outbreak and changes that have occurred so far, I’ve seen a drastic change in the tone of what American’s express. 

Almost every person and their momma’s momma is voicing their opinion on COVID-19. Although each opinion, or coping mechanism is slightly different, there are a few topics that are proving to be universal.

 If you look on social media you’ll immediately see that the majority understands everyone is supposed to be quarantined, and following all guidelines for the ‘Stay At Home’ order (whether everyone is actually doing so is not so clear).  Most of all, they realize that everyone is a part of making history, and that current everyone’s circumstances are nothing short of serious. 

It’s these realizations that seem to be bringing everyone closer together. In the past few weeks, I’ve seen so many positive posts, which is the exact opposite of what I normally see on my timeline. I’ve seen amazing stories about health officials’ daily acts of love, people using dance to spread positivity, or humor to keep everyone laughing, and people donating to keep hope alive.

Photo by Ashley Ritter

These kinds of social media posts are what I love to see highlighted, and what I don’t want to go away. Regardless of what you identify with (race, political party, etc.). One thing is true. We all need to be able to lean on our neighbors during this time and anytime after. 

We all need each other to endure whatever else COVID-19 plans to bring our way. We need each other for whatever life brings us. People should use this time to practice empathy, selflessness, and service. Not only for now when it’s easier to see the negative effects of a virus that is plaguing everyone, but also when it’s harder to detect the help other’s need. 

Practice for months down the road when problems are more isolated, and targeted towards specific groups of people. Exercising the skills that come with empathy, selflessness, and service will open your eyes to what you need to see, then your heart to what you need to feel. 

Maybe if everyone is continuously making these efforts, America wouldn’t need tragedies to evoke unification or self reflection. The world wouldn’t need a pandemic to bring attention to the importance of many things that should be common practice.

Let’s all keep growing closer together and eliminate the divide….Well, maybe not the divide between you and outside, because you should only be leaving to get essential items.