Let it Go and Let it Snow

Let it Go and Let it Snow

The dinging of an alarm is mocking you. Now, forcing your eyes to open, you shift over to turn it off. As you throw the covers off yourself you see a dull light fighting its way through your blinds. It`s a school day.
Then it hits you, the silence; there are just a few creaks here and there. There is a feeling in your gut and heart almost praying and hoping for something, snow.
You`re half awake but discover a new found energy as you scamper to the nearest window. It’s a gloomy morning with frost on the windows and a solid two inches or so on the icy ground. The ding of an alert on your phone saying school is cancelled sounds like a choir of angels.
Back to bed you go. That’s how the average snow day starts for me. Depending on how dangerous the weather is, my family may plan a movie day with some close friends, I might walk to my friend’s house who lives right behind me to hangout, or just spend a lazy day at home.
Some people loathe snow days because of the added days at the end of the year. I think, however, that every once in a while, a break is good. Students need to rest their brains and scientists say that sleep and relaxing are the best ways to do that. Your brain needs time to absorb and remember the information you learn at school all that week. Snow days allow the needed rest.
I love waking up to a snow-covered ground all bundled up inside with warm foods and no schoolwork. Christmas cookies, soup, tea and hot chocolate are the perfect seasonal snacks to have while catching up on reading good books and TV shows. Then the sleepiness from the warm drink sets in leaving you a curled-up ball dozing off.
If anyone is going to help me support snow days it will be the seniors. Seniors do not have to make up snow days and therefore have nothing to worry about when the snow falls. When you’re a senior you’ll be wishing for snow days too and who wouldn’t? A nice warm, cozy house on a gray winters day, not cooped up in the classroom but rather in the comforts of your couch.
Then there is the bonus of family time. In the hustle and bustle of school and work, family time is rare. Waking up to be given the ability to be with my family is what I value most. Throughout the whole day, no matter what you’re doing you do it as a family and that’s important.
Snow days allow students to relax, go sledding with friends and family, to watch movies and play games, or just spend a day sleeping and relaxing. What`s not to like?