Halloween Horror

Spooky season brings about more tricks than treats.

   With Halloween around the corner, dangers occur more frequently and need to be watched for, especially by younger kids and parents. Many children are being targeted for issues like drug lacing and violent crimes. Many need to be on the watch for any suspicious behavior and candy that looks suspicious. Not only are younger children unsafe on Halloween, but teenagers are also at the risk of being involved in motor vehicle incidents. Whether it’s trick-or-treating with friends, going to a party or even staying at home watching a movie, there are important safety concerns everyone needs to look out for on this night. 

Drug Laced Candy

   This year, more than ever, drug-laced candy which can be called rainbow fentanyl are fentanyl pills which can look like candies such as Sweet Tarts or Skittles and have been detected in the northland, so drug traffickers can start addiction in both kids and adults. The United States Drug Enforcement Administration states that not only can it start addiction, but can also become fatal with as little as a 2 mg dose. 

   “Make sure you go through all the candy. Make sure all the packages are tightly sealed, it’s a brand you recognize and the wrapper looks like it always looks. Make sure you have buddies with you, if you are going trick or treating, go as a team,” Nurse Becky Kovak said. 

  The candies most susceptible to being drugged are Sweet Tart Fentanyl pills, THC-infused Nerd Rope candies and THC-infused Sour Patch candies. According to The United States Drug Enforcement Administration, if you encounter fentanyl in any form do not handle it and call 911 immediately

As the holiday approaches, it is important to consider the dangers of Halloween. According to Travelers Insurance, there are 17% more crime-related claims than usual. In addition to that, the rate of violent crimes increases by 50% on Halloween according to a Northwestern University Professor. “There’s a lot of dangers and small minute things that can happen that can cause life-altering effects,” said freshman Zachary Hicks.

Motor Vehicle Incidents

  This year, laced candy isn’t the only major danger on Halloween night. According to the Washington Post, children ages 0 through 17 are three times more likely to be fatally harmed by an automobile than a typical day. On a typical day, the number is 16. An analysis by the Washington Post found 54 child pedestrians were killed by a motor vehicle from 2004-2018 on Halloween night. 

   “Pay attention to what’s going on around you. There’s a lot of cars and people out there” Kovak said. 

   According to Caring For Kids, the best ways to stay safe are by always traveling in groups, using the sidewalk, adding reflective tape to the costume or trick-or-treat bag, and letting somebody know where you’re going beforehand. 

   Not only is there a danger of pedestrians getting hit by a motor vehicle, but according to AutoInsurance.org, there are 22% more fatal crashes. The United States Department of Transportation states that all drivers need to be aware of trick-or-treaters in the road on Halloween and need to slow down and scan the roads carefully. They state that slower speeds save lives. 

   “Having parents walk with them, having reflective tape on clothing, having masks that don’t block your face,” Kovak said.

    Pedestrians need to walk on the sidewalks, cross the street at corners and put their phone down when walking. A study from Stony Brook University showed that people who were on their cellphones when walking were 61% more likely to veer off course.  

Dangerous Crime Spikes

  Travelers Insurance found that on Halloween there are 17% more crime-related claims than there are any other day of the year. It is also proven that violent crimes can increase as much as 50%. This is two times more than the daily average. This happens mainly because there is more alcohol and drug use and people are away from their homes for longer periods of time. 

    “You should carry self defense items like pepper spray, have a vague knowledge of how to defend yourself and supervision,” freshman Natalie Goodwin said. 

  While many people don’t believe in carrying self defense, Fazer Defense recommends having at least one if venturing out at night. A Birdie is an alarm which can be put on a keychain, that when the button is pushed emits a loud noise to get someone’s attention. 

   “Just be smart, don’t take anything from somebody suspicious,“ Hicks said. “Maybe if you’re known in a neighborhood, try to stay inside your own neighborhood because you’re less likely to be tampered with.” 

  Having fun on Halloween isn’t possible if it isn’t safe. Taking steps to insure safety before going out is the most important thing kids and teenagers can do.