Age is Only a Number

Age is Only a Number

It’s Halloween and you’re sitting in your house with no fun parties to go to. You decide to get up and go trick or treating, but wait, you’re not a kid. Well, I say who cares? Everyone likes candy. The best part is that it’s free. Trick or treating is fun no matter what age you are, and there are many reasons why I think being older is better than being a kid on Halloween.

When you’re old enough, I think trick or treating is fun because you’re able to drive yourself. Most parents aren’t going to drive their eight-year-old when it’s a walking distance trip, but when you have a license you don’t need your parents on Halloween. Do you remember those years of walking house-to-house, getting more and more tired? By the time you get through a maximum of two neighborhoods you were done because your bag was heavy and your starting to sweat in your awesome costume. When you’re older you can go to all sorts of neighborhoods without the workout.

Speaking of neighborhoods, you probably know where all the really good neighborhoods are when you’re older. You know, the ones with the king-sized candy bars and the cool decorations. You probably couldn’t get to them before they turn off their lights for the night when you were younger; but now you’re older and faster.

Trick or treating is a great excuse to hangout with friends. You guys can have fun and get candy. What could be better than that? Nothing. Sure, you guys could just hang out at your house or go to the movies, but trick or treating is way more fun. This is my favorite part of Halloween. It’s just you, your friends and costumes.

Halloween is the one night you can dress up and be someone else. You can be your favorite character, actor, or superhero It’s always fun to walk around the street and see all the creative costumes. The older you get, the grosser, creepier and crazier you can get with your costumes. They don’t have to be so sweet anymore. I like how Halloween is a day when you can escape reality for a whole night.

As you age you can stay out longer. Trick or treating is one thing, but trick or treating when the little kids go home is another. Staying out later is a huge plus. The sidewalks aren’t as full of people, for one thing. Then all the people handing out candy are almost done for the night, so they give you more than they would have an hour ago. Sure, they might stop to ask, “Aren’t you a little old to be doing this” but you can just ignore them.

In the end, no matter what age you are, trick or treating can be fun. It’s a long-lived tradition that I think everyone should experience at least once in their lives. It’s a night full of scares, laughs and candy. Being older makes all of these things way better.