Last But Not Least


Photo by Kaley Hamilton

Special Education teacher Dusty Hemphill

Last Race

The last race I participated in was a 100K a few weeks ago in Texas. It was tough and it takes a lot of physical training and mental preparation. The health benefits, both physically and mentally, keep me motivated.

Last Thought Before Racing

I know it’s going to be hard and that there are going to be times I want to quit. Sometimes it gets dark, or sometimes it’s too hot or too cold, so mentally being able to push myself past those walls and keep going [is important].

Last Road Trip

I just got back from a road trip yesterday from Colorado. We were there for four days. My husband and I went on a hiking trip.

Last Embarrassing Moment

This weekend we did a hike and it was really high. I got scared and had a bit of a panic attack. I was a little embarrassed

about that.

Last Time I Laughed

Last weekend I went tubing with my family on the lake and it was so funny, I laughed so hard.

Last Piece of Advice

Set a goal. Decide you want to do it and put in the time and effort that it takes to get it done. Don’t quit until you accomplish it.