Just Dance


You can expect nothing less than laughter, dancing and a fun time during Social Connections Club. Students come from all different classes to hang out for a time together to create relationships and memories.

“Social Connections Club is a liberty hour time that we set aside for our students (special ed) to interact with regular ed peers from the high school. We play games, we just talk and hang out and there’s no big expectation,” Special Service Teacher Jessica King said. “We do some outside activities, we’ve been to the musical and we’ve gone to some sporting events. Exit 1-6 shows and a few different things, we provide different opportunities for our students to hang out in a social setting.”

This club started in 2011 and has changed throughout the years.

“Our club has grown and it’s changed. We used to meet in the morning and do a monthly activity, like going to ball games and now we have a lot more students. We have students that are in essential skills, therapeutic learning center and also who are in the regular classrooms, that come in,” Speech and Language Therapy Teacher Kim Stewart said. “Coach Frigon has a lot of football players come and help us and they have just done a great job with coming into that, greeting the students in the hallway, just all the kids that come. All of the kids that come just have a great interaction with everybody, it’s a good club!”

Some find this club to be beneficial for many and relationships are made through this club.

“I think I do (think social connections club is beneficial), especially when they’re so used to seeing the same people everyday, it’s nice to see new faces in there so you can see new friends,” senior Jacob McGowan said. “(One friend I’ve made is) defiantly Dylan Hoy. Were pretty good buddies and we eat lunch every day together.

New relationships are created in this club.

“I like it because I get to step back and watch other kids interact with my students and not have to be teacher directed, so that’s kind of cool to see those natural relationships form and I can kind of just stand back,” King said.

Playing Just Dance and different activities is a favorite thing for many of the students.

“My favorite thing to do is play Wii and trash,” freshman Haley Bray said.

“All I care about is playing games, like Just Dance,” freshman Dylan Hoy said

Everyone also enjoys the socializing.

“I like to talk to other people and be at the school.” freshman Daniel Lehenbauer said. “I like to play games, especially trash (card game). Everyone always wants to play trash.”

For special events everyone in the club comes together and has parties.

“We had a Thanksgiving feast together and that was awesome,” senior Haley Hart said. “We played card games and we had like 20 people and it was just a long row of people and it was really cool, it was like a little family.”

Senior Karen Bush likes Social Club’s parties and meeting new people.

“I like the parties the most, “ she said. “We like to celebrate birthdays and special events. My favorite memory is meeting new people.”

The club has a really relaxed atmosphere.

“It’s just really fun, from the stressful atmosphere of tests and homework, it’s a good place,” junior Sarah Phillips said. “Those kids teach you so much and they’re just so fun and always have a smile on their face and it just makes my day going in there.”

Everyone can benefit when they participate in this club.

“It’s just fun to see the kids because they get happy whenever you go in their, it brightens their days and our days too,” freshman Mason Phillips said.

Social Connections Club is every Thursday, Liberty hour B in room 100.

“There is not really a membership, people come and we meet new people every week. We’re always really welcome there, it’s always a good time,” Hart said.