How my time on staff impacted my future decision for college. 


   Since middle school, I have known I wanted to go to The University of Missouri-Columbia, but I didn’t know what field I wanted to go to. Writing has always been my passion, so once I joined The Bell staff, my future became more evident. 

   My sophomore year, I was only a reporter, but my love for journalism grew and grew. That year was when I was confident in my decision to attend Mizzou. In middle school, I wanted to be a reporter for a big time newspaper like The New York Times. Now, I have changed my mind and have strayed away from the journalism field. 

   According to lanthorn.com, “You’re growing as a person; your mind is actively developing. Every student goes through a huge decision-making process when it comes down to choosing your major. It’s as okay to change your major as it is to change your mind.” 

   Changing your mind about your future career is okay because your passion changes: like mine. Although change is hard for me I like a structure and a set path for everything I do, I want to ensure my future career is something I enjoy and am passionate about. 

   Once I became Editor-in-Chief, my plans changed more than I thought. I started to realize I loved the organizational and leadership aspect of my position instead of the writing and journalistic side. 

   Because of this, I went on a school tour of Mizzou and the Journalism School and I immediately knew that this was where I belonged and where I needed to be. The tour guide explained the strategic communications side of the school and then I found the field I wanted to pursue. As long as you can find a career you know you can enjoy, you can find your passion. 

   A month later, I was accepted into Mizzou. My plans for college had come to reality, and I couldn’t be more excited.

   Towards the end of my senior year, I have now decided to major in strategic communications and to study project management. I’m forever grateful for this experience on staff to inspire me to have a career I am passionate about. 

   Everyone on staff has become my family, and I’m going to miss this class so much. Thank you to Mrs. Oyler and Mrs. Munoz for pushing me to always do my best and ensuring I have a successful future.