The Force is Strong in my Family

The Force is Strong in my Family

   I have been a Star Wars fan ever since I was in first grade, when Episode III came out. I used to draw battle droids in my art class, I still know the pointless trivia questions, I have old action figures covered in dust in my basement and an old lightsaber that is duct-taped from all the backyard battles my sister and I had.

   However, now that the new movie has been released, as soon as I heard the familiar theme music blast throughout the theatre and those nostalgic golden words scrolled past the screen, my old love for Star Wars was reborn.

   Star Wars was, and still is, almost a religion in my family, which is the reason why I love it so much. My dad would often sprint outside in a hooded Halloween cloak, holding a red candy cane that we used for Christmas yard decoration as a lightsaber, for a duel with my sister and me. Our little Star Wars trio would stay up on Friday nights to watch the movies and play Lego Star Wars or Battlefront. I even dressed up as Princess Leia for Halloween one year.

   This was my childhood, full of wonderful movies, playing video games with my dad and screaming on Christmas morning when I found a pile of action figures and a brand new lightsaber. This was all mostly because of my dad, who grew up around these movies and wanted his daughters to do the same.

   However, as I grew up, those memories and old love for Star Wars was replaced with other phases, which tends to happen to everyone.

   Although I’m not obsessed with Star Wars, it will always be nostalgic. Now, I want all of the lightsabers, all of the Kylo Ren merchandise and, a subtle hint to my parents, a Darth Vader leather jacket. I’m not saying I belong to the Dark Side of the Force, but I’m secretly hoping that with all the merchandise I buy, then Disney will make movies or extended shows.

   Though I have to say, it hurts me when I can subtly tell that Disney has taken over. For example why is there a Darth Vader Christmas ornament where he is wearing a festive Christmas sweater and defacing his truly evil nature? I hope that’s as far as they go with the irony of making one of the most ruthless villains in movie history wear Mickey Mouse hats and dance the Hammer Time.

   However, like my love for Star Wars, hopefully some things will never change.