Staff Ed: Do you feel more compelled to give to those in need during the holidays?

Staff Ed: Do you feel more compelled to give to those in need during the holidays?

Giving back comes in all shapes and forms; it strengthens communities and brings people together. The simplest acts of benevolence—the ones thought of as “random acts of kindness” or “no big deal”—can be incredibly meaningful. But is giving back deemed more important during the holidays? In a season associated with its bright display of lights, neatly wrapped gifts and cheerful music, it is easy to get caught up in the commercialism of the holidays. The Bell staff asked themselves whether or not the holidays affected their desire to give back to the less fortunate.

A majority of The Bell staff said that the holidays did factor into their decision to give back. The staff discussed how there are kids who do not receive presents and families who do not have the money to afford a nice holiday meal. These factors attributed to their decision to donate to the less fortunate at this time of year. One member said, “It is a good feeling to receive gifts from someone, and it’s important to share that feeling with those who cannot.”

The familiar sound of the Salvation Army bells was also mentioned. “You know when it’s time to give back and donate,” one member said. The bells are supposed to inspire the passerby to place donations of cash and checks inside the trademark red kettles and give back to those in need.

One staff member of The Bell felt that giving back was a selfless act and something that they felt the same about all year. Whether it is donating canned goods or old clothing items, volunteering is something that can be done at any time of the year. This staff member felt that donating during the holidays seemed more of a requirement rather than a generous action. Other staff members discussed that their personal financial situations overshadowed their desire to spend money for the less fortunate. They agreed that while volunteering is important, as a high school student, it is hard to put forth the time and the money.

As high school students, the Bell Staff agreed that it is difficult to take time out of their schedules and give back to the community, but the holidays are a time to celebrate, give thanks, and reflect. Consider giving what you can, and help spread the joy of the holiday season. The Bell Staff wishes everyone a happy holiday.