Only You Can Be You

Only You Can Be You

I’ve always loved to write. When I was younger, I loved to write little stories, and I even enjoyed writing papers in middle school. I know, I know, I’m kind of an English geek. I even wrote my own weekly newsletter when I was 12, and sent it out to all my friends and family via email. (Long live The Michael Weekly!) Anyway, reading and writing have always been dear to me, and it still is my favorite subject to this day. It’s easy to say that reading and writing are huge parts of who I am.

I fully realized this when we began writing College Application Essays in my College Composition class a few weeks ago. As seniors, applying for college is a big part of your year, and the essays you write for your applications can really increase your appeal to admissions representatives. The essay, whether you write one for your application or not, really showcases your personality to readers. It shows them who you are. It was through this essay that I finally realized the importance of being yourself.

When writing the essays, Mrs. Ahart often reminded us to be ourselves, let our personalities show through our writing, and let the readers get to know the real you. I took this advice to heart. This was one of the first times I’d ever connected writing with myself personally. I am a little ashamed that I’m just now realizing the importance of this, but hopefully you all see how important it is.

With that being said, I urge all of you to always be yourself. Never be insecure about your personality, or your appearance, or anything else. If you have the confidence to go out there and just be you, that’s really all you need. I used to, and still do sometimes, care too much what people think of me, but I’ve been working on it lately. You don’t need anyone else’s approval to be who you are. No one has the right to judge you for being yourself. Odds are, they’re insecure with themselves, too, and they’re taking it out on other people. Never let those people get you down, because one of the greatest things you can be in this world is yourself. A true individual is becoming a rarity in this world. I think we can change that. Just be who you are, and remember these little tips:

Have fun.

Embrace your little quirks.

Remember to laugh at yourself.

Breathe, and last but not least,

Always be you.