Step to the Bluejay Beat


Stepping, or step dancing, is a form of dance in which the participant’s entire body is used as an instrument to produce rhythms and sounds through a mixture of footsteps, spoken word and handclaps.

“We are a club that is focusing on step and dance. In the school, we would like to go into something permanent, but right now it’s just a club,” Advisor Kara Geisert said.

The girls stick to the same type of music to dance to that match with the music they do.

“Hip-Hop and Rap, that’s the only music we dance to,” freshman Deja King said.

Right now, the girls are just learning and having fun. They are working on ways for step club to become big at the school.

“Right now we’re just practicing a routine. I know the girls would like to raise awareness, so they are trying to come up with ways to do that,” Geisert said. “They’re thinking about a flash mob. They would love to be in the assemblies. We would love to have a way to highlight their abilities. We just aren’t there yet we’re really small.”

The group would love to have a mixed group but as now there are only girls.

“It’s just girls, if boys want to join then they can,” sophomore Akou Tsatsou said.

All the girls are very connected to each other and are friends. They came together to be Blue Jay Steppers.

“On the first day of school we got to know each other. Then we just come together to become the Blue Jay Steppers,” freshman Tomisha Robinson Said.


They connect more through the fun practice. They mess around and have fun while coming up with new steps.

“We just come in and practice and talk about we are going to do. Then we just add steps to what we already did,” said King.

“If we have one girl who doesn’t know how to dance, we teach her how to step,” Tsatsou said.

The girls would love if more people join for the for the history and fun behind it.

“I think it’s a great form of exercise I think it’s a great historical dance. I think it’s fun and a great way to let off steam in the middle of the day,” Geisert said, “Also think it’s good for comeratery and good to have a team that can just get together and have fun. I think it’s great just to go have fun.”

‘It’s fun, you get to know each other and just help each other out,” King said.

“It’s fun. Come and join. We just have fun when we step,” Tsatsou said.

The new club is working on become a group to stay at LHS. Everyday practice during liberty hour A. Stepping may also draw from elements of gymnastics, break dance, dance, or March. Each of the girls loves to be around each other and they are great friends.