Jamming Out

Members share their experience in Rock Band Club.

You expect the usual halftime show. The roar of the trumpets, clamor of clarinets and soft tunes of the flute. The team-coordination from the Sapphires.

Then, there is a movement of instruments. No no, not the band or the orchestra. It’s something different. It’s a new sound.

You experience goosebumps. Not from the chilly Friday night air. No, this was from the music down on the football field.

You look around and find out you weren’t the only one enjoying the music.

A little head bob there. A quiet finger snapping over there.

As the music died down, you wished those four could play the song once more.

But, who was this group? Why, it is Rock Band Club.

Alas, it is but a dream. A dream the members of Rock Band Club and their sponsor, English teacher Chuck Zavos, want to come true.

“It was something our sponsor, Mr. Zavos, wanted to do for a while, and he sent out an email about it and we got enough people to join that it’s actually becoming a club this year,” senior Zach Moorefield said.

The youngest member, sophomore Alex Pittman, joined for a couple of reasons.

“Just to play with other people, instead of playing alone,” Pittman said. “For a learning curve, to learn what other people are into and how to play with different people.”

Senior Peter Mallett joined Rock Band Club to play with other musicians.

“I’ve always liked to play the drumset and it’s fun playing in a group,” Mallett said.

Moorefield joined to affect others around him.

“Music has such a big impact on my life, that I’ve always wanted to give that same impact to other people,” Moorefield said.

After attending a Rock Band Club meeting, you might need to get your ears checked. The loud music, it almost envelopes you. It’s hard not to walk over, pick up a random instrument, and start playing, even if you’ve never played before.

You might play some rock music. Perhaps some Metallica. You might play the recognizable tune of the Beatles. You might bring in your own music taste into the club.

In the club you get to meet different kinds of people, learn new techniques and teach techniques other members may not know.

“I think every high school needs to have a rock band, or two, or three,” Zavos said. “Everybody needs some live music with drums, bass and guitar. The chance to set a guitar on fire, smash your drum kit, be really loud, rebel.”

It’s not hard to see why a Rock Band Club would eventually be established at LHS. While the members don’t literally destroy their instruments, they are just looking for a little bit of rebellion.

The dream of Rock Band Club would be to perform at school events.

“There is silence to fill,” Zavos said.