New Year, New Me

New Year, New Me

As the clock strikes midnight and the New Year rolls around, many students set resolutions to conquer in 2015. A 33 percent of LHS students said that they sometimes stick to their easier resolutions and another 11 percent stated that they always stick with them throughout the year. From losing weight to learning how to speak foreign languages, there are many resolutions set by students at LHS.

“My New Year resolutions are to go to the seven pools in Iceland because I will be going on a cruise there this summer and I also want to learn the language of Danish because I will be going to Denmark,” sophomore Stephanie Phillips said.

Resolutions are fun ways to set a goal and hopefully carry it out for the rest of the year. Many students feel that New Year resolutions are perfect ways to change bad habits and start off with a blank slate.

“Getting the chance to start fresh is always one of my favorite parts about starting a new year and I think New Year resolution’s are very beneficial because they can push you to eliminate stuff about yourself you don’t like,” sophomore Cheyenne Bledsoe said.

One of the most common New Year resolutions is to lose weight. Americans around the country set different types of goals to lose their ideal weight. One student here found an interesting hobby to get his dream body.

“I plan to start off Jazzercise, maybe learn a few moves and burn some fat to get a toned hot body,” junior Satchel Manley said. “Those Jazzercise ladies don’t mess around, but I think I can hang.”

One common New Year resolution for guys this year was learning how to dunk.

“My resolution is to be able to dunk by February and do a 360 between the legs dunk by March,” senior Ben Sullivan said.

Science teacher Ryan Brewer also plans to learn how to dunk and get a 6-pack to impress his fiancé.

“These have been my New Year resolution’s for the past seven years, but I have done a lot of visualization exercises and meditation to finally achieve these goals,” Brewer said.

New year resolutions can be an excellent way to push yourself to achieve your goals and stay committed throughout the year.

“I like New Year resolution’s because they can help you improve on some qualities you don’t like about yourself,” freshman Jackie Quigley said. “They’re ways to set a goal and work towards that goal, it’s just a great life lesson.”