Spring Cleaning or Bathrobe Finding?


One of my favorite things to do is to clean out my closet at the end of winter. There is something very satisfactory about purging out the old things and making room for the new. Out with the old, past fashions, in with whatever new trend is making its mark. I have tossed out some pretty embarrassing articles of clothing in the past, including but not limited to: graphic tees, jeans with fringe AND embroidery as well as endless numbers of five dollar Target shirts bought on a whim and never returned.

   Everyone goes through phases and spring cleaning highlights those often embarrassing phases. I can range from middle school t-shirts stuffed in the back of my closet to more recent, less interesting phases from freshman or sophomore year. It’s definitely a way to reflect on the person I’ve become. While I haven’t had as many phases as others have, seeing my old things reminds me of the difficult times I have gone through and the happy times I’ve had.

   Every once in awhile, I stumble across a truly amazing piece of clothing that I can’t believe I’ve forgotten. I’ve just started my spring cleaning, yes maybe it isn’t quite considered spring yet, but it is a lengthy process. Hanging on a hook behind my dresses from past school dances was a glorious, fuzzy bathrobe. How could I ever forget about such a clearly important robe? While the sleeves are a little short, it is the most cozy thing I have. Since finding it, I have worn it nonstop around the house.  Few things bring me as much joy as rediscovering old things and finding a new appreciation for them. It is probably only a matter of time before I start wearing it outside and to school, because it’s senior year and if I want to wear a fuzzy polka dot bathrobe to school, I will.